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It means that even though the North did win the actual Civil War the South won the time of Reconstruction. This is because during Reconstruction the government let the South go back to their old ways of complete racism and also they let them have sharecropping which was almost as good as slavery for the South. it took a lot of time before the government finally got everything figured out and helped the African-Americans.

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Q: What does the North won the war but the South won the peace mean when talking about the American Civil War?
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the north and south. north was called the union and the south was called the confederacy

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The South fired the first shot in the American Civil War.

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In the American civil war, yes.

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Unless you are talking about Vietnam, the North Won! The Union, the north won, while the South confederacy lost

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A "disturbance between the North and South" refers to the American Civil War, in which the U.S. was split and the Union (North) and Confederate States of America (South) were pitted against eachother.

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It started because the south was unhappy with the election and the north and south dsagred on slavery.

Are North and South capitalized when writing of the Civil War?

When you are talking about the sides in the war, yes. If you are referring to the direction, they moved north, not. If you say they joined the North, yes.

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If you mean the American Civil War, it was between the North and the South (states) and the North won. This brought about the end of slavery.