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Q: What does tieing your balls up do?
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How do you teach a foal to tie?

By tieing it up to a tree or some thing for a short while

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I had a white discharge and I have not since tieing my tubes what does that mean.. And I know I am ovulating.

What is meant by bondage in the English culture?

Depending on context it can refer to slavery or the physical act of tieing someone up. MLM

Is there a difference between tying and tieing?

The spelling tieing is not an acceptable modern form. The correct spelling is tying (as with die, lie, and vie which form the present participle/gerunds dying, lying, and vying).Some dictionaries will list tieing as an archaic form.

What does not tied mean?

tieing is a method of attaching the layers of a quilt. not tieing it means that another form of quilting is used. good luck,

How do you tie high tops?

It is the same thing as tieing yourshoes

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Tieing of rassi

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balls, balls everywhere

What is are problem that the US are facing today?

tieing Algeria but still advancing

Where does the mass of the produced food food come from?

from the xylem tubes that bring it up to the plant in oredeer to get its water xylem up phoelem down.

How did pioneers get their wagons up and down mountains?

the pioneers got there wagons up and down the mountains by tieing ropes to the wagons and lead them down very carefuly. Trust me I just read it out of my histor book.

Is tieing up a horse with out food or water for over 7 hours abuse on a warm day as a disciplinary tool?

It depends if the horse has not had food or water before but i think it is.