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Some factors that determine is diet & exercise. The more calcium you eat, the better chance you have of being tall.

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what factors can affect a persons height

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Q: What factors determine height?
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To many factors to determine height genetics how built you are

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Its weight and the height Thank you....

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Flow rate and height of the drop.

What factors determine the gravitational potential energy of an object.?

Height above the ground, and mass of the object itself.

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genetic determines ultimate plant height, but water availability (as well as other geographical or climatological factors) can limit or expedite it.

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No. The bounce height may depend on a variety of factors, especially the hardness of the floor, and the properties of the ball, including the amount of air it has.

What are two factors that determine an object's gravitational potential energy?

-- the object's mass -- its height above some reference level

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The height of the particle being bombarded, and the type being bombarded by electrons from the Sun.

What factors determine types of clouds that are formed?

the type of cloud formed depends on the weather and height at which the water vapor condenses.