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All deserts have a dry climate.

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Q: What feature do all deserts have in common a. hot climate b. dry climate c. rainstorms d. sand?
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What climate feature do tundras and deserts have in common?

Generally low precipitation

Are there mountains in the deserts?

Yes, there are mountains in the desert. They are a common feature.

What is the climate like in desert ecosystem?

Some deserts are hot, others cool and yet others cold. The only factor that all deserts have in common is that they are all very dry.

What climatic variables do deserts have in common?

Deserts are dry, hot, And have sandy soil. These are climatic variables that all deserts have in common.

A stony surace called desert pavement is a common feature of many deserts Which process helps form desert pavement?

Deflation of sand and silt from the surface

What do deserts and Antarctica have in common?

there both deserts antarctica is a deserts they both have less precipitation

Is vast deserts a common noun?

No - "vast deserts" - is an adjective and a noun.

Why is the typical desert climate hot and dry?

A typical desert is dry but not necessarily hot. There are cold deserts (Antarctica), there are cold winter deserts and there are cool coastal deserts. The only thing they have in common is that all receive less than 10 inches (250 mm) of precipitation per year on average. Temperature does not define a desert. The lack of humidity and cloud cover in a desert allows more sunlight to penetrate the atmosphere and heat the land below in those deserts with a hot climate.

What feature do all deserts have in common?

All deserts are dry - the only common factor for all. The desert is defined as a region that receives less than 10 inches (250 mm) of precipitation annually on average. Some deserts receive virtually no rainfall.

Where are Sandstorms most Common?

in deserts

What is the types of climate in the desert?

The only factor that all deserts have in common is that all of them receive little precipitation, less than 10 inches (250 mm) per year. Some deserts are hot, some are cool or even cold but all receive little rainfall.

Are beetles found in deserts?

Yes, beetles are fairly common in deserts around the world.