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The rebellion in Lower Canada failed because the command structure was flawed with no individual to command the troops. The communication was very bad between the troops. Armour couldn't get off the beach, and the point of attack was chosen incorrectly.

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Q: What four factors contributed to the failure of the rebellion of Lower Canada?
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John Colborne,

How did the Lower Canada Rebellion end?

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Did William Lyon Mackenzie and lead the upper Canada rebellion?

yes he was the leader of the upper canada

What is the difference between Upper Canada and Lower Canada rebellion?

The Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837 was led by William Lyon Mackenzie and aimed to establish responsible government and end the oligarchic rule. In Lower Canada, the rebellion of 1837 led by Louis-Joseph Papineau was fueled by grievances over political representation and land rights for French Canadians. Both rebellions sought greater autonomy from British colonial rule.

Who were the leaders while the rebellion in lower Canada?

Steven Harper