When southern plantation owners had more fields and more land they needed people to help work in them which is where slaves came into be. It all was from the triangular trade and the slaves came here to work on the plantations. The reason they chose the slaves to work was because they were basically cheap work. You didn't have to pay as much for slaves and you owned them so they worked as hard as you wanted. With slaves in the 1800's, there were very limited if any restrictions on work hours and 'play' hours. The slaves also ate the worst food. There were some slave owners who were nice and tried to care, but for the most part...their life was miserable.
Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin and Henry McCormick's invention of the steam engine changed agriculture in the 1800s. Both inventions greatly increase production.
Cotton Gin (your welcome study island cheaters)
The typewriter was invented in the 1800s and printed letters.
explain how unfair treatment and slavery affected women wh o came to california during the 1800s?
Industrial growth
The invention of Eli Whitney's "Cotton Gin" expanded the plantation system and slavery.
Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin and Henry McCormick's invention of the steam engine changed agriculture in the 1800s. Both inventions greatly increase production.
Cotton Gin (your welcome study island cheaters)
Industrial growth just like the telephone service did
The typewriter was invented in the 1800s and printed letters.
explain how unfair treatment and slavery affected women wh o came to california during the 1800s?
The typewriter was invented in the 1800s and printed letters.
Very important