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they're the terrorists

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Q: What is Canada's stand on terrorism?
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What does CTU in crimonology stand for?

Counter Terrorism Unit

Is terrorism basically people trying to stand up to corruption of the world?

No, terrorism is trying to change corruption to a more hardcore corruption.

Were the Irish Republican Army members terrorists?

they were a really an organization to stand for what they beileve in. not intentionally terrorism, but they did resort to violence to prove their ponit; like terrorism.

What is canadas national fish?

canadas national fish is cod and salmon................................................thats wat i think how bout u

What does SPECTRE stand for in James Bond?

Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion

What is Canadas import?

tropical fruit

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According to the US president what is the stand on Terrorism?

The current stance on terrorism, according to the U.S. president, is that it must be fought, and currently this is being done with drones and targeted killings of individuals which pose the biggest threats.

What is Canadas capitol?

Canada's capital is Ottawa.

When is canadas' national day?

July 1st

What are Canadas laws?

To many laws to list