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Created in 1963, Cap'n Horatio Crunch is a fun-loving sea captain. He was born and raised on Crunch Island, which is located in the Milk Sea. He wears a blue captain's uniform, and a large blue captain's hat. His ship is the S.S. Guppy, which he sails with his first mate, Seadog (1963), and his crew of four kids. Their mission is to keep the cargo hold of cereal from falling into the hands of Jean LaFoote the Barefoot Pirate (1968).

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How do you get a 6 PAC?

By doing crunchs

How many crunchs do you have to do in a week to get you thinner?

None, if you eat a 600 calorie diet.

What kinds of exercise are there for the mid-section?

Crunchs, sit-ups, bicycles, full body crunch

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4 equals numbers in a current account pin number

How do you make your breasts smaller naturally?

From what I here from female friends is that the boobs are the first place to shrink with weight loss, so that should come natural. The abs, crunchs, leg lifts, and crunchs withe your knees turned all the way to the left then to the right. this will work your obliques, the side ab muscles. Crunchs - upper absleg lifts - lower abs and hip flexors.

Where is Capn Salty on big nate island?

Cap'n Salty is at the lighthouse, bemoaning the loss of his best lobster trap. If you recover it for him, he will give you the jetski keys. (see related question)

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How do you get the map that tells you the secret place in big nate?

Okay, first you have to go to Puffin Point and look in the telescope and you will see seals on it. You get the lobster trap for Capn' Salty and he gives you keys. then you race Nate to the map. Get the peanut butter crackers and them where the X is. It is ALL on youtube... go check buddy! =)

How do you become a better dancer?

* Work on your core which means sit ups crunchs ect * Tecnique, take a ballet or jazz class or look up some tips online * Be yourself!

Where do you find the rope for Capn Ds quest on HorseIsle?

You go to the bottom of vine isle, in a tree house there is a lady named Ester.she will tell you go west and use your binocular's. You will need to find five vines for her.

What does des mean?

Des Des is short for the youtuber's name Destery, Destery Moore to be in fact! he calls him self Capn Des Des. you know, because Destery starts with Des DEStery DESDES! haha yeah thats what desdes means

What is my last name and first?

First name: Wiki.Last name : user