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Q: What is Deccan Traps?
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Are the Deccan Traps in India still active?


How can you differentiate between the Deccan Trap and the true Basement?

basement rocks are more stronger than that of Deccan traps.

How big are the Deccan Traps lava eruptions when compared to Yellow stone?

it is40,000,564,765,543,546,098,006 miles

What is the velocity range in deccan traps?

the velocity of deccan trap basalt is 4.8-5km/sec,but basement granite has a velocity range of 6.0-6.2km/sec.

Where is the flood basalt province that corresponds to the Hawaiian hotspot?

Good question! Perhaps the Deccan Traps in India?

Where is black soil found?

in Deccan Traps in south-west India,Maharashtra,parts of Tamilnadu,Gujarat,Andra pradesh.

When was the last time the Deccan Traps erupted?

The last time a volcano erupted was in the 1900's in the USA.

What is the decan trap theory?

The Deccan Traps are an area of extensive volcanic activity located in what is now India. This volcanic province was active around the end of the Mesozoic Era (Late Cretaceous Period) approximately 60-70 million years ago. The Deccan Traps were probably one of the largest volcanic complexes to occur on Earth since it's initial formation, spanning nearly half the current area of the country of India at it's peak. The timing of the Deccan Traps should ring bells in the minds of dinosaur enthusiasts: the K/T extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs occurred 65-66 million years ago, right when the Deccan Traps were active. Although it is generally accepted that a large asteroid or comet is largely responsible for this mass extinction, some question as to whether the impact had sufficient aftereffects to cause such widespread damage to the Earth's biosphere. As a consequence, some have proposed that the massive amounts of volcanic and greenhouse gases released during the eruption of the Deccan Traps also played a role in this extinction event. There is also another large volcanic complex known as the Siberian Traps of northern Russia. Unrelated to the Deccan Traps, and much older (~250 million years), the Siberian Traps have been linked to an earlier mass extinction event at the end of the Permian Period.

Where are metamorphic rocks found in India?

You can find metamorphic rocks in India along the Deccan Traps border. Igneous and sedimentary rocks can also be found there.

3 possible contribution of extinction of the dinosaurs between the creatceous and tertiary?

Answer Asteroid collision with Earth, Deccan Traps volcanic activity, or simultaneous occurence of both.

Where can be black soil found in India?

In the Deccan Traps in South-West India.References -

Who is the owner of Deccan Charges?

Mr.Reddy is the owner of the Deccan Chargers. He is the owner of Deccan Chronicle newspaper too.