Well it is fairly EASY to catch if you get it down to a sliver of HP left. DON'T USE YOUR MASTER BALL!!!! NEVER USE YOUR MASTER BALL ON DIALGA BECAUSE YOU CAN USE IT FOR CRESSELIA LATER ON IN THE GAME Don't use a Poke Ball but if your plays around Noon-7:30 pm use a Poke Ball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball Use Dusk Balls in 7:30 pm-6:00 am Because they work awesomely. FYI I was lucky enough to catch it in a poke ball but still don't try it unless Poke Balls are your only option
A Pig in a Poke - 1909 was released on: USA: 28 May 1909
ALL and i mean ALL types of poke-mon unless your poke-mon is like at least i dont know mab 20-30 levels highr which is kinda hard but dragon, dark, flying, fire, electric all tyepes without all of them its kinda hard even if the poke-mon your battleing iz like 40 levels below you if its a poke-mon that your weak to your gonna need a poke-mon that that poke-mon is weak to so all types of poke-mon will help you along the way. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
Yes, the word "poke" has a short o sound, pronounced like "pohk."
Well you get it in a poke mart
"poke" is pronounced with a long "o" sound.
The "o" in "poke" has a long vowel sound.
a quick ball
you will find it in the safari zone, in a poke ball.
Its short for poket monsters
You buy them at the poke-mart once you have enough badges
U can use a poke ball,mega ball,ultra ball but try it from the first when it appear with a quick ball it can catch it faster.
"Quick" has a short vowel sound. The "i" in "quick" is pronounced as /ɪ/, like in the word "sit".
Either a quick ball but this means more travling or 40 duskballs