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Q: What is buddy's engine on the sleigh in the movie elf called?
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What was wrong with santas sleigh in the elf movie?

There was not enough Christmas Spirit for it to fly, so it had a jet engine to help.

In the movie ELF why was there a rocket attached to Santa's sleigh?

There was no longer enough Christmas Spirit for it to fly without the engine.

What did Santa ride in the Santa Claus movie while in Finland?

a sleigh

What was the song played at the beginning of the movie Holiday in Handcuffs?

Sleigh Ride

What movie was about an American guy arrested for drugs and later executed?

if it plays in turkey the movie name is Midnight express and the guy is not executed one of his buddys in prison get killed and he then kills the officer and get free

Who Is Buddys Boss from the elf movie?

I think he does not have a name in the film, but the actors name is Faizon Love.

What is the name of an old black and white movie where the mother and father die from disease and the oldest child delivers the other siblings by sleigh to other families in the area on Christmas?

I believe it is called All Mine to give

What songs were used in the movie holiday in handcuffs?

"Taking a Ride," performed by Kari Kimmel, and "Sleigh Ride," performed by Rebecca Poole, are two songs in the movie Holiday in Handcuffs.

Name of the song in the movie the santa Claus when they arrive at the north pole and the sleigh begins to desend?

The Bells of Christmas by Loreena McKennitt

Buddys father in movie elf?

Buddy's human father's name is Walter. he works for a book publishing company in the empire state building. At the end of the movie he owns his own book publishing company - location unknow-en

What movie which two or more actors won Oscars?

it's called a search engine. not very hard to find the answer for your question on