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Q: What is cere counterpart?
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Does a kookaburra have a cere?

No. Kookaburras do not have a cere.

Is my parakeet a boy because of his pink and purple cere?

sexing a budgie is relatively easy. if the bird has a blue cere its a male if it has a pink or brown cere its a female

What is the origin of the surname Cere?

Cere comes from the Latin word cera, which means "wax".

How do you tell if your bugie is a girl or a boy?

a budgies gender is found by lookin at it cere the cere is the small thing found on top of the beak if the cere is blue it is simply a male but females are a dark tan the cere will darken as the budgie gets older. Thank-you!

What is a cere on a budgie?

A cere is the waxy part above the budgie's beak. It is where the bird's nostrils are. In males it is blue, while females have a pale cere except for when they're breeding - then it turns brown.

What do birds use their cere for?

The cere is the bird's beak. It is used as a feeding device for the bird and as a defense mechanism.

Where can you find pictures of a cere? I uploaded a picture of some budgies to my vox page. The cere is the blue band just above the beak of the budgie that you can see in the photo. The male budgies have a blue cere.

Blue body with white head parakeet cere looks brown is that one male?

if you said brown cere that is a female

What is above a parakeets beak?

a cere

What is a parakeet's cere?

It's the little colored band above their beak with the two little holes in it. You can tell a male and a female apart by the color of the cere once the birds are older. The cere will be blue if it is a boy and pinkish brown if it is a girl. The colors will change often when they are under 6 months old, but when they are about that age the color will settle. A cere is the nose

Why do parakeets have a weird nose what is it called?

a cere

How do you become a good homeopath?

don't cere