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The fusion process of hydrogen to helium in nature is the one that powers stars. The net result is the fusion of four protons into one alpha particle, with the release of two positrons, two neutrinos (which changes two of the protons into neutrons), and energy, but several individual reactions are involved, depending on the mass of the star. For stars the size of the sun or smaller, the proton-proton chain dominates.

Two sets of two separate 1H protons fuse into two sets of a 1H proton and 2H proton-neutron while (both sets) release a neutrino and a positron. The resulting two 1H proton and 2H proton-neutron sets fuse into two atoms of He3 (2 protons and a neutron) while emitting gamma radiation. In the final stage the two He3 atoms fuse into a single He4 (2 protons, 2 neutrons) atom while emitting 2 H1 protons.

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We understand that hydrogen undergoes fusion in the proton-proton reaction in our sun to create helium.

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Q: What is going through fusion inside the sun to make helium?
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Name a reason why a person's voice sounds funny?

If they are eating something. If they have a sore throat. If they have a weird accent.

What is the sequence of events leading up to the white dwarf stage?

Here is an answer based on a typical star like our Sun. It's slightly simplified. If you need more detail Wikipedia's "Stellar Evolution" is useful, but a bit complicated. An easier introduction is given by NASA in the "Sources and related links" below. Just click on that link if you wish. All stars will eventually exhaust their supply of hydrogen, the main fuel of every star in the universe (and most abundant element in the universe). The main process of fusion that powers all stars converts hydrogen into the heavier element helium (see "fusion" for more details). For a star with the mass of our Sun, each second millions of tons of hydrogen (600 million) are converted to helium, slowly depleting the remaining hydrogen (our Sun started with about 11-13 billion years of hydrogen "fuel"). When the hydrogen supply runs low, the Sun will expand, reaching the "red giant" stage of its life. Eventually the core will become hot enough to fuse helium. The process of fusion will then continue with the helium, along with some remaining hydrogen. The helium will be converted to carbon, continuing to power the star. A quite complicated situation arises with hydrogen and helium "burning" at different levels in the star. Fusion stops after producing oxygen nuclei, because the Sun's temperatures will not be high enough to produce heavier elements. As the last fuel is exhausted, the star's outer layers will be expelled by the imbalance in pressure from fusion versus the gravity holding the star together. As these outer layers are expelled, the core of carbon and oxygen nuclei will be the remnant, a white dwarf star. In the beginning there will be a super hot white dwarf emitting light until it cools down and no longer emits light and becomes a black dwarf. High mass stars, after going supernova, become neutron stars or become black holes, if they're massive enough.

What are the release dates for HBO First Look - 1992 Inside 'Going the Distance'?

HBO First Look - 1992 Inside 'Going the Distance' was released on: USA: 19 August 2010

Is there going to be a beyblade metal fusion tournament near Savannah?

i dont know but you can go to their company website, i think it is wwbba .com or somthing like that

How the Indians find the US?

Going through the Bering Sea (at the time it was ice) and then going to Alaska going down Canada and making their way here. Going through the Bering Sea (at the time it was ice) and then going to Alaska going down Canada and making their way here.

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What is the process of thermonuclear fusion in a helium-burning star?

3 He fuse to 1 C. Note you HAVE to skip Beryllium in the fusion sequence, it won't let you get by it if you try going through it.

What going on in the Sun that making it a light sources?

Nuclear fusion. Specifically, hydrogen gets converted to helium.Nuclear fusion. Specifically, hydrogen gets converted to helium.Nuclear fusion. Specifically, hydrogen gets converted to helium.Nuclear fusion. Specifically, hydrogen gets converted to helium.

Is the sun made out of hydrogen and helium?

It definitely runs on hydrogen, and its made of helium, as well. --- Yes, it is mainly made of hydrogen which it uses as a fuel. It fuses hydrogen nuclei together to form helium, producing huge amounts of energy through this nuclear fusion reaction. Helium is produced by this reaction. The most important fusion reaction is stars the size of our Sun, is the so called 'Proton - proton' reaction, which in summary, combines 4 nuclei of Hydrogen to produce one nucleus of Helium, plus two nuclei of Hydrogen, and positrons and gamma rays. Gamma rays get transformed inside the sun into less harmful electromagnetic radiations. There are other fusion reaction inside stars, which combine lighter atom nuclei into heavier nuclei, going up to producing carbon C and iron Fe nuclei.

What is going on inside the sun?

Inside the sun, nuclear fusion reactions occur where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing vast amounts of energy in the process. This energy, in the form of heat and light, creates the intense pressure and temperature required to sustain these fusion reactions and keep the sun shining.

True or false a main sequence star generates energy by fusing helium into hydrogen?

False. Main sequence stars generate energy by fusing hydrogen into helium through the process of nuclear fusion in their cores.

What elements in the sun are fused together?

In the sun, hydrogen atoms undergo nuclear fusion to form helium. This process releases a large amount of energy in the form of light and heat, which is what powers the sun and sustains life on Earth.

What is produced in a nuclear fusion and fission reactions?

In nuclear fusion reactions, lighter elements are combined to form heavier elements, releasing energy in the process. In contrast, nuclear fission reactions involve the splitting of heavy atomic nuclei into lighter elements, also releasing energy.

Can helium pass through steel?

yes in lab conditions for helium being lowered to almost 1 K in which helium simply drops down right through. experiments are still going on as mentioned above its only possible in extreme lab conditions and conducted by scientists

How will or sun die?

Our sun will die from a build up of carbon ash, accumulating in its core. Right now, our sun is being powered by a process of nuclear fusion. In the fusion process, two hydrogen atoms are combined to form one atom of helium. The combining of the hydrogen atoms creates immense amounts of heat and energy, which powers the sun. It takes high temperatures to make atoms move fast enough to fuse. Currently the sun does not burn hot enough for the helium atoms to fuse together, and make carbon. In the core of the sun is a large mass of helium ash, which cannot be burned. Eventually (about 5 billion years from now), the helium core is going to get so massive, that it will cause the sun to expand out, beyond the orbit of Mercury. When the sun does, its temperatures are going to increase a few million degrees. When it reaches this temperature, the helium in the core is going to start burning. This burning is going to cause more fusion reactions, which will combine two helium atoms to form one atom of carbon. The sun is not big enough to ever burn the carbon. The process of helium burning is going to take about two million years. When the core of carbon gets too big, the fusion reactions will stop. Slowly the sun will shrink and cool. Eventually, the fire will go out and the only that will be left is a two earth (give or take) sized ball of solid carbon.

Where does the helium that is formed during the hydrogen fusion go?

Helium is a gas that comes from underground in the earth so you would have to dig and then catch it before it rises because helium rises fast

What is inside the sun that powers its immense energy and heat?

Well now, the Sun is a wondrous thing! Inside its core, you'll find hydrogen atoms coming together to create a process called nuclear fusion. This incredible reaction releases lots of energy and heat, providing us all with light and warmth here on Earth. Remember, just like the Sun shines bright, you too have your own unique light to share with the world.

Where is fusion located at?

The only fusion going on in our solar system is in the sun