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Oops ! No. The statement is going along pretty good until the end.

The star actually fuses hydrogen into helium .

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Q: True or false a main sequence star generates energy by fusing helium into hydrogen?
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A main sequence star generates energy by fusing what?


How does a main sequence star power itself?

A main sequence star gets its energy by fusing hydrogen-1 into helium-4.

Why will the sun burn out?

The sun generates energy by fusing hydrogen into helium. Eventually it will run out of hydrogen. However, this won't happen for several billion years.

A star located off the main sequence indicates what?

That the star has stopped fusing hydrogen in its core as its energy source.

Where The sun energy come from?

The sun generates its energy via nuclear fusion of hydrogen at the solar core into helium. This energy is sent outward in the form of solar radiation.

When the sun burns hydrogen helium it makes what?

The sun is on the Main Sequence, fusing hydrogen nuclei to form helium nuclei and release substantial quantities of energy.

Which produces the most energy?

Fusing 5 kg of hydrogen

The Sun produces energy by fusing hydrogen atoms into atoms in its core.?

Yes it does. It produces helium by fusing hydrogen

Stars produce energy by fusing hydrogen into what?

The products of hydrogen fusion are helium and energy.

What is the defeniton of main sequence star?

A star that is mainly fusing hydrogen into helium.

Stars leave the main sequence when they?

Stars are said to be off the main sequence when they stop fusing hydrogen into helium.

What was the sun when it reached the main sequence?

Stars on the main sequence (like the sun) are fusing hydrogen into helium in their cores.