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Graphite is the main ore of pencil lead.

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Q: What is graphite an ore of?
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What raw materials is graphite made of?

Like diamonds, graphite is what's known as an allotrope of carbon. That means it is actually carbon, although it ocurs in a different form in nature. Graphite occurs naturally as an ore; it is considered by some to be a high form of coal, although this reference is uncommon as graphite is hard to light and makes a poor fuel source.

Major minerals in china?

Petroleum Natural Gas Coal Iron Manganese Chromite Vanadium Titanium Copper Lead Zinc Bauxite Nickel Tungsten Tin Molybdenum Antimony Gold Silver Rare Earths Magnesite Ore Fluorspar Mineral Pyrite Ore Phosphorus Ore Potassium KCl Sodium Salt NaCl Mirabilite Barite Ore Silicon Materials For Glass Ore Graphite Mineral Talc Ore Kaolin Ore bronze

What are the resources in North Korea?

They are coal, lead, tungsten, zinc, graphite, magnesite, iron ore, copper, gold, pyrites, salt, fluorspar, hydropower

Is galena used in pencils?

No, we don't use galena is pencils. Galena is the primary ore of the metal lead, and this mineral, PbS, is recovered for that purpose. We also often recover silver as a byproduct of lead processing. It is graphite that is used in pencils, and the mineral graphite is an allotrope of carbon.

Ano ang yamang mineral ng Korea?

...pwet un

Is it true that most pencils are filed with the element lead?

No. This is totally untrue. There is no lead in pencils - not even in the paint they are painted with! The reason for this is caused by confusion over the name of the filler. The substance inside a pencil that does the actual writing is called graphite. This is a crystalline form of carbon (another is diamond, another is a substance called buckminsterfullerene, and the third, non-crystalline form, is charcoal). The graphite is often mixed with differing amounts of clay to create pencils of different hardnesses. Graphite is found as a mineral in the ground. Lead is also found as a mineral in the ground as the lead ore 'lead sulphide' or 'Galena'. The mineral Galena looks very similar to graphite, except that graphite is darker in colour than lead ore. Therefore, many years ago graphite used to be called 'black lead' from its appearance. So, when pencils were invented, they were filled with graphite - or 'black lead', and eventually this was shortened to 'lead' but there is absolutely no connection with the 'lead' (i.e. black lead) found in pencils with the metal lead. The "lead" in pencils was always, is, and always will be, made of graphite.

What are the natural resources of Ukraine?

Being a natural resource in Europe, the Ukraine has mountain wax, graphite and granite. It is also rich in iron ore, coal, uranium, manganese and nickel.

Is carbon found in ores or minerals?

Carbon is a mineral with many different allotropes (structurally different arrangements of the same compound) some of which are found in the Earth's crust (eg. Graphite and Diamond). An ore is a type of rock that contains important minerals such as gold ore or diamond ore.Usually the term 'ore' is reserved to rocks containing economically useful metals but 'carbon ore' is not a contradiction.

What is the difference between natural and synthetic graphite?

Natural graphite is available from earth crust in the form of ore. It is beneficiated and made usable. It is available in crystalline, flaky and amorphous form. Synthetic graphite is made by man. Calcined petroleum mixed with coal tar and extruded at very high pressure. It is then treated in high temperature to a tune of above 3000 degree centigrade and carbon become graphitised.

What is a form of carbon that makes a good lubricant?

Graphite (I think)

What does Austria's mountains provide?

Austria's mountains provide metals such as magnesite and graphite. And other products suck as iron ,ore ,coal , lead , petroleum , natural gas, copper , salt and zinc.

What is the difference between carbon graphite and graphite?

because carbon graphite had carbon but graphite does not have carbon