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Laminitis is the painful inflammation of the laminae in the hooves. Also called founder, this condition can cause permanent lameness in the horse.

The cause of founder is usually, but not limited to, overeating. The horse that gets into the feed room and eats 50 lbs. of grain or the horse in a large pasture where he will eat nonstop. Spring grass is a particular threat because it is extra rich from winter rain.

In mild cases there will be a separation and/or deterioration of the 'white line'. In more severe cases the coffin bone inside the hoof can rotate and decend toward the sole of the hoof. Worst case scenario the coffin bone can rupture through the sole (bottom) of the hoof. If this happens there is nothing really that can be done. The pain involved is extreme and the horse may need to be euthanized.

Symptoms for founder are heat in the hoof, rapid pulse at the back of the pastern, shifting of weight from side to side, Thick, hard, almost convex topline on the neck, a separation of the white line on the bottom of the hoof.

Actually, founder and laminitis are two different things. Laminitis is the inflamation and/or weakening of the connection between the coffin bone and hoof wall. It is caused by abnormal hoof structure, like high heels caused by bad trimming, wedge pads, or orthopedic shoeing. When the heel is lifted, the coffin bone is no longer parallel to the ground, and the tip of it now has alot of pressure. It can then penetrate through the hoof when the right forces are placed upon it, (which is when it turns into founder) like lush grass, and other things thought to cause founder.

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Q: What is laminitis in horses?
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Founder is called laminitis, a disease of the hoof.

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Founder is another name for laminitis.

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Secretariat developed laminitis, and had to be humanely euthanized. Laminitis is a deadly disease in horses that has claimed the lives of many legendary racehorses. Recently, Barbaro had to be euthanized due to laminits.

What are signs of laminitis in horses?

Signs of laminitis include pain, commonly in the front feet, which leads to limping, reluctance to move or standing with weight shifted to keep weight off of the affected feet.

What is the most common cause of laminitis?

Im not sure what the MOST common cause of laminitis is but i know some of the things that could cause laminitis. If your horse is overweight, resistant to insulin, has a high porportion of grain in his diet, has had laminitis before, comes from a bloodline prone to laminitis, has access to lush or improved pastures (grazing rich pastures can lead to laminitis), has cushings syndrome, or excessive fat on his crest area. If your horse has any of the things above he could be at risk for laminitis

What illness can horses get?

Horses can get illnesses such as colic, laminitis, equine flu, mud fever, rain rot, eye infections, thrush, west nile virus and more.

Is a founder a loss of sight?

Founder is NOT a loss of sight. It is damage to the laminae between a horses hoof wall and the rest of the hoof structure caused by inflammation in the horses foot. It is also called laminitis.

What is laminytis is horses?

Laminitis is a condition where a horses hooves become damaged on the inside from physical trauma or poor diet. It can be fatal and should be treated properly, search Pete Ramey, he specializes in this area.

Can you feed a miniature horse gluten?

Horses have a tolerance for gluten, but it is very starchy and can cause Laminitis/Founder and other health problems to arise.

What is lamintis in horses?

Laminitis in Horses is a smelly infection on part of the hoof called the frog. It is caud=sed by poorly cleaned stables / badly cleaned hooves Hope this helps whoever needs the answers

Does the cold weather affect the equine lamintis?

Yes it does. Cold weather can cause the ground to freeze over and become hard which makes it hard on the horses with laminitis to move comfortably. The cold weather will also cause the horses circulatory system to slow down and decrease blood flow to the hooves which can lead to more laminitis problems and increased pain in the hoof.

Why do horses get laminitis?

There is a related link that explains the real reason horses get laminitis and founder The short answer is, no one really knows for sure. However, laminitis is strongly associated with a recent increase in consumption of rich foods such as sweet feed or fresh green grass in the spring, certain types of bedding such as black walnut and being severely overworked then not cooled down properly.