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The species the dog originates from.

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Q: What is meant by breed of dog?
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What was Duke's dog breed in A Dog's Purpose (Barry's dog)?

I meant a Dog's Journey

What is the dog bred in the movie bethon?

IF you meant "What is the dog breed in the movie Bethoven" - It's a St Bernard.

What is Jack Russell Terrier?

A breed of dog meant to hunt and kill vermin.

Will a small dog get sick from using flea medication that was meant for a large breed dog?

Yes he will. Use half of it :)

Which breed of dog is also known as bear?

Dog's have been known to try an protect there area in bear country. Although there are no reports of a certain breed of dog that is meant to ward off bears. The natural instinct of a dog will kick in and would let the bear know Hey this is my turf.

Is there anyway you can get a bernese mountain dog that stays small forever?

The breed, Bernese Mountain Dog, was not bred to be small. Why do you want a small one? Obviously you don't want this particular breed then. Find yourself a small dog that you do like. If you want this breed then you have to like the entire breed as it was meant & bred to be. This is a working breed & not bred to be small or it could not function.

My dog border terrier is 7 can we still breed her?

I'm sorry but female dogs are meant to be breed at the age of 2. i tried to breed my dog at the age of 5 and that i didn't work at all so 7 would defiantly NOT work at all.

Can toy breed have large breed dog?

No, a dog that is a toy breed has to reproduce with a dog of the same breed. This means that they will produce the same breed of dog. And not a dog out of the toy column.

What is the best dog breed for horseback riding?

If you mean you want to ride your dog, that is dangerous! BUT, if you meant what I thought you meant, any energetic, obedient, long-distance running do will do. (Rhodesian Ridgeback, Lab, Husky, etc.)

What is meant by having a Fixed Dog?

A "fixed dog" can no longer breed puppies. The male will have had either a vasectomy or been neutered; the female will have had her ovaries and uterus removed.

Is drifter a dog breed?

No, drifter is not a breed of dog.

Which dog bread is sometimes referred to as a wiener dog?

first of of all dear questioner you wrote 'bread' instead of 'breed'! you meant 'dog breed' eh! there are some breeds reffered to as weiner dogs. chihuahua breed does weins for affection especially when doing acts like food craving or some times when in stress! (regards zainii)