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In the republican era of Rome Comitia was a blanket term for all assemblies (general meetings).

Comitia Curiata were the oldest types of assemblies and were present during the Kingdom era. It was made up of representatives of the three old tribes of the city of Rome (ramnes, tities, luceres). Comitia curiata didn't really possess any real political powers. It could only could act as "a court of appeal" for death sentences. Also, it was a place for all speakers to express their opinions.

During the republican era, comitia centuriata's presence became only a formality, although they had the right of giving imperium to higher magistrates (lex curiata de imperio), but that, too, was only a formality.

Comitia Centuriata was the younger form of Comitia, altough also present during the kingdom era. It represented the military units (centuries).

Unlike, c. curiata, it's powers became more prominent during the republican era. It represented the highest form of Comitia. It had the right of electing the higher magistrates (consuls, praetors, censors-although it was the senate which nominated the candidates), officially declared war and peace (although the actual decisions for this lay with the consuls). It was the highest court of appeal for executions or exile.

Finally, it was a place where people (populus) would vote about any important matter (including legislation).

Both comitiae declined in power after the crisis in Republic and the establishment of Dictatorship, and finally the Empire.

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