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it depends on the ages of the people. They MUST be over the age of 15, however, if one of the partners is 18 or older, ther other partner must be 17. So if two 15 year olds decided to have to sex in Colorado, that would be perfectly legal. However if one was 19 and another was 16, that would be illegal in Colorado. Keep in mind, that every state has differt laws. Even traveling citizens have different laws (these are really weird {you can have sx as yound as twelve, as long as the prtners are one year age apart, otherwise 16}). Then military person ell are different so be careful of what you do where! This is purely information I hope u don't use this to have sex at 15!!

Added: The age of consent to sex in Colorado is 15 years of age for both males and females.

However, the age of legal emancipation is another matter altogether and is set at an older age.

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The age of consent in Ohio is 16 but there is a close in age exception where a teen from 13 and up can consent to sex with a partner less than 18yo.

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