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Q: What is the figure of speech when two people are talking back and forth?
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What part of speech is forth?

"Forth" can function as an adverb or a preposition.

What is the perimeter if the area is 20cm?

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What part of speech is the word forth?

An adverb

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If you are talking about a fortnight then, around two weeks. There is no such thing as a forth night unless you are talking about thursday.

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a monkey.

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a communication or declaration in speech or writing, setting forth facts, particulars, etc.

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"Whiffling" is a verb. It means to move quickly or shift back and forth.

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It depends on which queen you are talking about. If you are talking about Queen's Susan and Lucy, they go back and forth between Narnia and England.

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Rock can be a verb or a noun. It can be the action of moving something back and forth. It can refer to a stone.

Where is the forth dungeon in the first Legend of Zelda?

It depends. If you are talking about Orcarina of time then it is the shadow temple

Who was the forth avenger?

iro-man was the forth avenger.Some people call him tony stark