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The length from your shoulder to your finger tips varies from person to person. This was why a standard of measurements was introduced by law.

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Q: What is the height from your shoulder to your fingertips?
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What is the average height of a caribou?

average a shoulder height of 112 cm (44 in)

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It can, the inflammation causes increase pressure on nerves, causing numbness in arm/fingertips

What is the name of the lift from the floor directly to shoulder height?

When you lift a barbell from the floor directly to shoulder height it's call a "clean."

What are legal ways to play the ball with your body in soccer?

You can literally use any part of your body unless its from your shoulder to your fingertips.

What is a lions height?

The shoulder height of a lion ranges from 2.6 to 3.6 feet.

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What is the shoulder height of a hippopotamus?

60 inches

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about 2 metres high at the shoulder

What is the average height of a antalope?

About 4 feet at the shoulder

What is the maximum height of motorcycle handlebars in Oregon?

there are currently no restrictions on handlebar height. the "shoulder height" restriction was repealed in 1999.


90cm.............or3ft tallthe maximimum height at shoulder of a jaguar is about 88 centimeters

What is the Alberta law regarding motorcycle handlebar height?

The Handlebars must be no higher then shoulder height