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That depends upon the specific desert and season of the year. In deserts of the American southwest, the humidity may drop to less than 10 percent in the dry winter but may be 50-60 percent (or more) during the summer rainy season.

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Q: What is the humidity percent of deserts?
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Can deserts be foggy?

Yes, the Namib and Atacama Deserts are routinely foggy along the coast. If the humidity in other deserts approaches 100 percent, say after a heavy rain, fog may occur. This is a rare event, however.

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What is the weirdest fact about Antarctica?

It's a desert. Antarctica is a polar desert, and many people only associate deserts with hot sun and sand. But the humidity in Antarctica is only about five percent, compared with the Sahara, which has about 25% to 30% humidity.

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No, sand covers about 20 percent of deserts.

Is there little humidity such in the desert?

Except during the rainy season most deserts have very low relative humidity.

Does sand cover 50 percent of deserts?

No, sand covers about 20 percent pf deserts.

Is the humidity 50 percent or 100 percent on a rainy day?

There is no exact answer, the humidity can be anywhere between 0-100

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No, sand deserts account for about 20% of the deserts on earth.

Why are the deserts sandy?

Actually, only 20 percent of deserts are sandy.

Do deserts have more evaporation than precipitation?

Yes, due to the very low humidity, deserts experience more evaporation than precipitation.