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thegovernmentdoesn'tdo anything, all the work indistributionis left up to small organizations.

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Q: What is the impact of government stability on the distribution of resources to compact aids and famine acroos Africa?
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What is the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

The purpose of the mayflower compact was because the pilgrims did NOT want a king or queen and they just wanted a government so they made rules. The Pilgrims went to America so they could practice religion their own way. They knew they needed rules so they created the compact before they set foot on American soil. The purpose of the mayflower compact was to form a stable government that wouldn't run out of resources quickly.

What form of government did the Massachusetts bay colony use?

They had a Compact, The Mayflower Compact, which insured it. They had a compact

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The Mayflower Compact

Compact theory of government?

The compact theory of government means that the nation was formed through a compact agreed upon by all the states, and that the federal government is thus a creation of the states. This is in regards to the United States Constitution.

What was the document called that was signed in 1620 by the pilgrims that listed their plans for self-government?

the first American government document to be signed in 1620 was the Mayflower compact!

Mayflower Compact was ruled by what type of government?

Democratic authority was established by the Mayflower Compact.

Where did the Mayflower compact?

The mayflower compact was an established tradition of elected Representative serving in the government.

What is a sentence with the words self government and compact?

They made a compact so the could have selfgovernement

Was the mayflower compact the first written compact?

yes it told the pilgrims what the rules are and what they should do but it was unoffical form of government but it is still a form of government