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moo la vaca, moo la vaca XD

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Q: What is the list of ceremonies that the Sioux Indians have?
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Related questions

What are some customs and ceremonies of the Sioux Indians?

The sun dance is one of them.

What sort of cermonies did the Sioux Indians have?

A number of different ceremonies, but the one which caused the massacre at Wounded Knee was The Ghost Dance

Did the Sioux tribe have any ceremonies?

The sun dace it was a ceremoney that lasted eigt days many other plains Indians did this to.

Are there any remaining Sioux Indians?

Thankfully, yes there are. Please access the related link below for a list of famous contemporary Sioux.

What are the Sioux Indians reasourses?

what are the sioux indians reasources

What kinds of ceremonies hopi have?

the kind of ceremonies the Sioux were sun dance ceremonies.

When was Sioux City Indians created?

Sioux City Indians was created in 1914.

What did the teton Sioux Indians live in?

the teton Sioux Indians lived in teepees

What kind of ceremonies did the Mojave Indians have?

Sad ceremonies very rarely when they are exciting ceremonies.

Did the Sioux sacrifse?

did the Sioux Indians sacrifes

What are facts about Sioux?

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Who lived in Sioux tepees?

Sioux Indians