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Q: What is the major US route from Missouri to the Northwest in the 19th century?
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Which trail served as a major trade route from the Missouri River to Mexican territory along the Rio Grande?

The Santa Fe trail served as a major trade route from the Missouri River to Mexican territory along the Rio Grande.

What was William becknell's occupation?

William Becknell was a trader and merchant. He is best known for establishing the Santa Fe Trail, a major commercial route between Missouri and Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the early 19th century.

What was William Baffin looking for when he came to America?

William Baffin was an English navigator and explorer who was searching for the Northwest Passage when he came to America in the early 17th century. The Northwest Passage was a theoretical sea route through North America that would connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, offering a faster trade route to Asia. Baffin's explorations focused on mapping the coasts of northern Canada in search of this navigable route.

Which states did the potawatomi's cross on their route?

Illinois and Missouri

Why did john Franklin set sail?

He set sail to Find A route from Europe to Asia when you sail Northwest. This route was called the Northwest Passage

How do you get to the red shard on route 124 in Pokemon Emerald?

its near the northwest corner of the route.

What did the European believe the northwest passage was?

a land route to Asia

What is the Northwest Passage used for?

The Northwest passage was suppose to be a sea route to Asia, but it doesn't exist.

Where does Route 66 run from and to?

missouri to indiana

What is the route in the mountains northwest India?

khyber pass

What were explorers looking for the northwest passage?

A route to the west

What did Jefferson give as reason for expedition up the Missouri River?

Jefferson hoped the expedition would be able to find elusive Northwest Passage, a water route across the country, that would be a great boon to commerce.