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It sounds like "To Kill a Mockingbird" 1962

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Q: What is the movie from the 1950s with a lawyer from Kentucky who defends a black man?
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Why did Jackie Robinson play 5 sports?

Jackie Robinson needed money to support his family. Black athletes were very underpaid in the 1940s and 1950s.

Who was the lawyer for the NAACP that prosecuted the case for black school children in the movie separate but Equal?

Thurgood Marshall, who later became the first African-American US Supreme Court justice.

Old black powder Kentucky style rifle built by G Spangler Monroe County Wisconsin 1800s Remington barrel any info?

This site may be able to help you with your questions, see related links below.

How did Mary Tyler Moore appear in Kentucky Fried Chicken commercials?

CMM Advertising, Inc. introduced three 60- and 30-second commercials for Kentucky Fried Chicken starring Mary Tyler Moore. In one 60-second spot entitled "Carriage Driver". The commercial opens with Mary driving a carriage with a horse as Hank Williams, Jr.'s "I Know It's Not Been Easy Loving Me" plays in the background. As the announcer says "You'll imagine the great taste of Kentucky Fried Chicken made by Colonel Sanders". The next scene cuts to Mary still driving a carriage as Dick Van Dyke waves at her when the announcer says "Kentucky Fried Chicken is the Colonel's Recipe". The next scene cuts to Mary jumping out of the carriage as she gets Kentucky Fried Chicken buckets out of the carriage when the announcer says "No one can give any dinner for Harland Sanders". The next image cuts to Mary at a table eating Kentucky Fried Chicken with Dick Van Dyke when the announcer says "Sometimes, Kentucky Fried Chicken is different than you". At the end of the commercial, Mary is driving a carriage again driving home as the announcer says "If you have Kentucky Fried Chicken, you love the colonel", and fades to black. Then we fade in on a shot of Colonel Sanders's face appearing to animate when the announcer says "Kentucky Fried Chicken: We Do Chicken Right", and it fades to black. In the second 30-second spot entitled "Mountain Climber". The commercial opens with Mary climbing on the mountaintop as Sam & Dave's "Soul Man" plays in the background. As the announcer says "Make a difference with the Colonel's Recipe". The next scene cuts to Mary falling down from a mountain and she gives a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken as the announcer says "No matter what you give to you". The next scene cuts to Mary eating a chicken from a bucket as the announcer says "Next time, if you want Kentucky Fried Chicken". At the end of the commercial, Mary is eating Kentucky Fried Chicken again when the announcer says "You have to find the colonel, with someone else", and fades to black. Then we fade in on a shot of Colonel Sanders's face appearing to animate when the announcer says "Kentucky Fried Chicken: We Do Chicken Right", and it fades to black. In the third and final 30-second spot entitled "Horseback Rider". The commercial opens with Mary riding on a horse as The Lovin' Spoonful's "Rain On The Roof" plays in the background. As the announcer says "Can you imagine whatever it takes?". The next scene cuts to Mary still riding on a horse as she puts a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken as the announcer says "So, grab the colonel's recipe". The next scene cuts to Mary eating a chicken from the Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket when she rides a horse as the announcer says "Colonel Sanders is the best man for chicken". At the end of the commercial, Mary is still riding a horse as the announcer says "Kentucky Fried Chicken is there", and fades to black. Then we fade in on a shot of Colonel Sanders's face appearing to animate when the announcer says "Kentucky Fried Chicken: We Do Chicken Right", and it fades to black.

Who began the first black law practice in South Africa?

The first African American to practice law in the US was Macon Bolling Allen in 1844. After four years of being a lawyer, he became the first African American to hold a judicial position in Massachusetts.

Related questions

What novel is the character Atticus Finch from?

Atticus Finch is a character from the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. He is a principled and moral lawyer who defends a black man wrongly accused of raping a white woman in a racially charged Southern town.

What is a famous aggravated assault on a lawyer?

There really is not a famous aggravated assault on a lawyer from his client. There is a case that happened in Kentucky where the client punched his attorney and gave him 2 black eyes but, the attorney would not file charges.

How does a black leopard defends himself?

They will bite, claw and run away.

Who defends Tom Robinson in court in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Atticus Finch defends Tom Robinson in court in "To Kill a Mockingbird." He is a principled and courageous lawyer who works tirelessly to prove Tom's innocence despite facing overwhelming racial prejudice in the 1930s Deep South.

Who is the children's father in Chapter 1 in the book To Kill a Mockingbird?

Scout and Jem's father is called Atticus, who is a lawyer and defends Tom Robinson, a black man, who is convicted of rape of a white girl. The book is set in the 1930's, during the great depression.

Where can you sell black walnuts in Kentucky?

You can sell black walnuts to commercial hullers in Kentucky. Typically, commercial hullers accept black walnuts throughout the fall season in Kentucky.

Why does Atticus feel he must take the case?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch is a white lawyer who defends a black man of rape. He took on the case because he knew that a black man was not going to get a fair trial in those days.

Is Atticus Jewish?

Actor Atticus Shaffer is not Jewish.

Who was the black serial killer that held a woman captive onDixie highway a few years ago in louisville Kentucky?

Of all serial from Kentucky or from other states that committed crimes in Kentucky, non of them are black.

How were white remakes of black songs labeled in the 1950s?

Cover Music

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How a black bear defends it self?

Black bears have sharp teeth and claws, and swipe at their enemy with the paws which have a lot of power behind them. If frightened, black bears can climb trees very well.