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Q: What is the movie where these people have to follow directions to stay alive?
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is it Stay Alive it is the movie Stay Alive. awesome movie tho

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I think the Movie Is Called Stay Alive......

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Stay Alive (2006)

What movie is about people who play a game and then a few days later then they die the same way?

That movie is called Stay Alive.

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That was a movie and they were actors. They didn't really die.

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the script of a movie, including acting instructions and scene directions.

What is that movie called where that boy has to find out his killer for him to stay alive 2007?

elizabeth bathory's movie "Stay Alive". "The Invisible"

What movie is it that was about a video game that was evil The video game was smart and the people that played had to find the programmer to stop it from killing It is not stay alive or brainscan?

I think the movie is Tron.