If you're talking about the original Batman from the 1960s TV show, the actor was Cesar Romero. If you're talking about the Batman movie with Michael Keaton as Batman, the actor playing the Joker was Jack Nicholson.
In conclusion, they decide The Joker needed a real name in the movies and Cartoons so they came up with Jack Napier. However, in the comics, it is never revealed.
In the First batman in 1989 it was Jack Nicholson.
In the Dark Knight it was Heath Ledger<----The Dark Knight is my favorite movie, i suggest everyone to watch it!
He was 52. Batman came out in 1989, Nicholson was born in 1937. Do the math.
because he looks like a clown (or you could say he looks like the person on a joker card), he used to be a regular villain named red hood and when he was fighting batman, he tried to escape but instead fell into some toxic waste
Old yella
Cocoon (1985)
Joker dark Knight 5 reasons: He is crazier than the classic Joker He is way stronger than the Batman old series and 1989 He could hit him with a crowbar He is smarter He can defeat Batman old series
James Holmes. He killed 12 people and booby-trapped his house for the police.
There is only one. Bruce Wayne, the original Batman, is still alive, but no longer fights, so Terry McGinnis, the new Batman, has taken over.
The Joker (Jack Nicholson), also known as Jack Napier, in the 1989 batman movie. The line was first used in a flashback scene as Jack Napier shot both Bruce Wayne's (Michael Keaton) parents. It was later asked in Vicky Vale's (Kim Bassinger) apartment when The Joker shot Bruce Wayne, then using a silver plate to cover his heart from the bullet. When the Joker asked the above quote, this was a revelation to Bruce that it was the Joker who killed his parents. The quote was later used when Bruce, as Batman, confronted the Joker in the belltower of an old cathedral. So yes, it was the Joker in Tim Burton's Batman (1989) and whoever says otherwise needs to rewatch this movie!!!!
Batman did A LOT of things throughout the whole movie . . His main mission throughout 'The Dark Knight' was to stop The Joker from killing people , and restore peace and order to Gotham City . If you want to see for yourself what Batman was doing in the movie , then you should go watch it .
Ask a 5 year old and the answer is Shrek. Ask a 5 yr old's parent, they will also say that. It is the environment of your family, lifestyle which dictates this answer. But the Joker from the comic books and the Batman series of the 60's will come to mind for many. Not necessarily the now day serial Batman movies.
He was 52. Batman came out in 1989, Nicholson was born in 1937. Do the math.
He's still beat up from when Batman kicked his buttocks and from when he changed back to normal at the end of the the first Batman Arkham Asylum game.
tha joker is now 18 years old.
Lewis Wilson play Batman in the first Batma n serial movie in 1933. Then Robert Lowery in 1939 in Batman and Robin : Relentless Crusaders for Justice!it was the year 1943 in which Lewis Wilson frist played the role of Batman in the first 15 serials. and 1949 in which Robert lowery played Batman in the second set of 15 serials.Unless you're talking purely about the comics continuity, in which case there's a sort of trick answer. Bruce Wayne's father, Thomas Wayne, dressed up like a "Bat-Man" for a costume party when Bruce was a little boy (he still has the costume), but Bruce himself was the first person to use a Batman persona to fight crime. When Bane broke Batman's back, Azreal breifly was Batman.
Easy. He was Talking about the freaking Joker. Does it get any more obvious? No villain goes as far back with Batman as the Joker!