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The book is Ozma of Oz. The movie is Return to Oz. Neither are remakes. Both are sequels.

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Q: What is the name of the remake of 'The Wizard of Oz' where the witch has interchangeable heads?
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Which Witch and Wizard book is first in the series?

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What book in the witch and wizard series come first?

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Are you a witch or wizard?

i am a total witch

What is the proper term for a man who is a witch?

The correct answer is a Witch whether male or female.

What is a male wizard?

The male form of wizard is wizard. A bad wizard tends to be called a 'warlock'. A good wizard tends to be called 'sorceror'. The feminine equivalent of wizard is 'witch'. A good, powerful witch is called a sorceress.

What is male wizard called?

The male form of wizard is wizard. A bad wizard tends to be called a 'warlock'. A good wizard tends to be called 'sorceror'. The feminine equivalent of wizard is 'witch'. A good, powerful witch is called a sorceress.

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What is opposite for wizard?


Can a Witch or Wizard be recognized?

well, if you see someone with a stick in there hand there NOT a witch or wizard. Witch and wizards use there mind and pencil to do magic so there

Will there be another book after 'Witch and Wizard'?

Yes There are 3 in this series and they are all released Witch and Wizard The Gift The Fire =) =) =)

Is Megumin from Konosuba a witch or a wizard?

She is an Arch Wizard. But since she's female I guess technically she's a witch.

Is there a witch and wizard website by James Patterson?

There is no witch and wizard website dedicated strictly to witch and wizard but there is which is james pattersons official that is dedicated to all three of his young adult series