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59% in Delhi, but it is done by the low-level Kabari, people who just search through trash and sell stuff. None of it is municipal.

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ther are 55564577856789 recllable trash

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Q: What is the percentage of recyclable trash in India?
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Related questions

What percentage of trash can typically be recycled?

60% to 75% of trash can typically be recycled. Much of household trash is recyclable.

Can you give me a sentence for the word segregate?

You must segregate your trash by recyclable and non recyclable or it won't be picked up.

How much of your waste goes to Landfill sites?

Unless you recycle, all of your waste, not counting what goes in the sewer, goes to landfills. At your home, about 15% of your trash is recyclable and in an office as much as 85% of what goes into trash cans is recyclable.

How does trash get dumped?

trash is disposed off by the following points..... separate bins is divided into groups like recyclable bin,plastic bin,glass bin etc is recyclable these are only used in western countries.

What percentage is recyclable in a landfill?

20% in landfills

How are recyclable items removed from the trash stream at recycling centers?

Peopele sorting through it.

What is the benefit of getting a metal trash can?

The benefits of getting a metal trash can are that it is easier to clean and able to recycle when it is done. A plastic bin is harder to clean and is not recyclable

How is recycled trash sorted?

Most recyclable are sorted at the source. This means that the person throwing things away sorts the recyclables.

How do you dispose of waste in a flower market?

It depends on the waste being disposed.Organic material (dead flowers, stalks, trimmings) can be recycled into compost (green bins).Non-recyclable waste (plastic bags, cellophane, plastic foam) goes into landfill trash (unless your council can recycle them).Recyclable material (glass, tin, hard plastic, clean paper) can all be recycled.If there is no trash can for unrecyclable trash, you can bring a plastic bag with you and take trash home to dispose of it. You can do the same for recyclable items.If you are a vendor at the market, you can bring a container with you to dispose of any trimmings, and take it home to put on a compost pile.

Does India have trash cans?

of course it does!

What is a place to throw trash?

The only place to throw trash is into a trash can to be taken to the land fill which is growing at rapidly record speeds, taking up room for parks, schools, and businesses. Make sure you don't throw away something recyclable!

What are the best things to put into a trash compactor?

The best things to put in trash compactors are non-recyclable items of refuse. Food waste, styrofoam cups, paper bags, and candy bar wrappers are just a few items that can go in a trash compactor.