

Best Answer

The total population of the continent of Africa is approximately 1,022,234,000 people.

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Seamus Friesen

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2y ago
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Q: What is the population of African countries?
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What is the combined population of African countries?

As of 2021, the combined population of African countries is estimated to be around 1.3 billion people.

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Seychelles has the smallest population among African countries, with approximately 98,000 people.

Did African countries have a very poor structure of population?

No...well maybe. I don't know.

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an effect that slavery had on populations and cultures of west african countries went up. because population increased with slaves and since their was more population, the peoples would have to spread and make a larger tribe or spread out and make more cultures because, their was such an increasment on population.

Which African countries have hausa speakers and what are their population?

Hausa speakers can be found in countries such as Nigeria, Niger, Ghana, Benin, and Cameroon. Nigeria has the largest Hausa-speaking population with over 50 million speakers, followed by Niger with around 22 million speakers. The population in other countries is smaller in comparison.

What is the population of African Union?

The population of African Union is 967,810,000.