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they have a bad relationship. They always fight, and they always tattle on each other.

They always give each other some mary to, jkjk, lol

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Q: What is the relationship between Tom and Sid?
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Who is Sid from the Adventure of Tom Sawyer?

Sid is Tom Sawyer's half-brother.

Who is Sid in the adventures of tom sawyer?

In "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, Sid is Tom Sawyer's half-brother. He is portrayed as a well-behaved and responsible boy, often in contrast to Tom's mischievous and adventurous nature. Sid serves as a foil to Tom, highlighting their different personalities and characteristics throughout the novel.

How does Tom retaliate r sid telling on him about the thread?

Tom retaliates by spreading rumors about Sid in return, making Sid look bad in front of their peers. Tom may also try to undermine Sid's reputation or relationships as a form of retaliation.

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Tom Sawyer told his aunt that he was Sid, his half-brother.

Who is sid to tom swayer?

Sid is Tom Sawyer's younger half-brother in the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain. Sid is portrayed as a well-behaved and responsible boy, in contrast to Tom's more mischievous and adventurous character. Despite their differences, Sid cares for his brother and plays a supportive role in the story.

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Tom got his revenge on Sid when Sid dropped the sugar cup all over the floor. When Aunt Polly came in she thought is was Tom because that would have been something he would do. But to her amazement she figured out that Sid had done it and he never confessed to be the one who did it.

Who is Tom Sawyer's brother?

Sid is Tom's brother, but they are only half-brothers.

Why didn't aunt polly belt sid for breaking the sugar bowl?

Aunt Polly didn't belt Sid for breaking the sugar bowl because she believed he was innocent and blamed Tom instead. Aunt Polly thought Tom was lying when he said Sid broke the sugar bowl, and she punished him instead.

What is the relationship between Tom and Maggie in the mill of the floss?

They are both sheep

What does cousin Sid look like in Tom Sawyer?

In "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," cousin Sid is described as being similar in looks to Tom, with a sharp eye and a cautious manner. He is said to resemble Tom in features, but with a more serious and attentive expression.

How does Aunt Polly know Tom was out at midnight?

Sid told on him

How is Sid Tom sawyers half brother?

Sid is Tom Sawyer's half brother because they share one parent in common - their mother. They have different fathers, which makes them half siblings.