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A good way to determine if your weight is healthy for your height is to calculate your body mass index (BMI). Being overweight puts strain on your heart and can lead to serious health problems. These problems include: * Heart disease * High blood pressure * Sleep apnea * Type 2 Diabetes * Varicose veins More than 300,000 lives could be saved in the United States each year if everyone stayed at a healthy weight!

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Q: What is the relationship between bmi and my health?
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What is the BMI of weighing 120 lb and height is 5 feet and 7 inches?

According to the US Department of Health (see link) the average BMI based on the information given is 18.8. However, BMI varies between gender and between adult and youngsters. You may need to adjust your BMI accordingly.

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The characteristics of good health are to eat 2 fruit and 5 vegetables each day. And to keep your BMI between 20 to 25

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Although the BMI formula for adults and children is the same, the way the results are interpreted differ. Therefore, what is considered a healthy BMI also differs. For adults, an ideal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. A person with a BMI over 24.9 is considered overweight. A person with a BMI under 18.5 is considered underweight.

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Using BMI to measure overall health, without taking muscle tone into account, can give false results. People with lower body fat percentage tend to have a higher BMI without being overweight. BMI is no longer an accurate way of measuring overall health.

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