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This was significant as Parliament passed the War Measures Act - allowed for the registration and internment of anyone considered a threat to Canada.

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Q: What is the significance of enemy aliens?
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What are enemy aliens?

Enemy aliens are people who came from other countried to Australia during the wars and they were classed as enemy aliens because they brought a threat to Australia during the wars

System of confining and guarding enemy aliens?


How were enemy aliens treated?

The were concentrated under guard in camps.

Was the Australian government justified in interning enemy aliens?

no, not at all.. in my opinion, it is not justified in interning enemy aliens as this is not their fault that they have come from enemy countries i.e japan German and Italy......they have paid taxes for Australia....they are separated from their families for this and now they are not Japanese, Germans or Italians....THEY ARE AUSTRALIANS.. so, therefore the answer is no....

Who attended interment camps?

Internment camps in World War 2 were for enemy aliens.

Enemy aliens in World War 2?

Yes. There was enemy "aliens" in WW2. Well, no on really saw aliens. They saw "Foo Fighters", Stange balls of light that often followed both American and German fighters.

Do aliens have enemies?

Probably so. Though the term "enemy alien" sounds like something from World War II.

What is the significance of the USS Arizona Memorial?

The significance of the USS Arizona Memorial was designed by the architect Alfred Preis, who had been detained at Sand Island at the start of the war as an enemy.

How should a country treat the naturalized citizens and the resident aliens from an enemy country during wartime Make this crisis the focus of a debate?

equal and fair

What happened to enemy aliens in Australian at internment camps?

they were either given a home in Australia or shipped back to where they came from. they were however not returned to a place where they would be victimized.

What was the movie about an astronaut that gets stuck on a planet with an alien and they eventually had a kid together even though the alien was thought to be a man?

Enemy Mine, but the aliens are asexual

What were the aliens and sedition acts?

Passed by the U.S. Congress in 1798, these laws purportedly were to protect the country from enemy aliens (residents of countries inimical to the U.S.). These acts later expired or were repealed and held to have been unconstitutional. You may see the Related Link for more information.