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French is the other official language, but there are many pockets of nationalities in Canada and the People from those places still speak their native languages.

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French is more common in areas where the French colonized.

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Q: What language besides English is widely used and spoken in Canada?
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What languages do people speak in Canada besides French?

English is the language spoken by a majority of Canadians. French and English are Canada's Official Languages and they have equal status.

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English is the main language in the prairies.

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the languages in Canada is English and french

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English and French are the top two languages used in Canada, the third most frequently used spoken language is languages of Chinese decent.

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Both English and French are European languages spoken in Canada.

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Saskatchewan is a Canadian province in the Great plains. The official languages of the province are English and French. English is the language most often spoken in this part of Canada.

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According to who you ask, it could be Welsh, Norse, or English. Geographically speaking, it was probably English because the other two groups were most likely in Canada.

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ajay is awsome

What language do people from Great Britain speak in Canada?

The language spoken in Canada is primarily English, which is also the main language spoken in Great Britain. However, it is worth noting that Canada is a bilingual country, and French is also an official language in certain areas, particularly in the province of Quebec.