Because a level 100 Pokemon can no longer level up, it cannot learn new moves in that way. However, move tutors can teach a Pokemon new moves regardless of level, as can TMs and HMs. In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, there is also a man who will teach your Pokemon moves it could have learned at earlier levels in exchange for a Heart Scale.
It can't learn it by Level up, only from TM53
heracross will learn these moves by level up: Level 1: Leer,Tackle Level 6:Horn Attack Level 11:Endure Level 17:Fury Attack Level 23:Brick Break Level 30:Counter Level 37:Take Down Level 47:Reversal Level 53:Mega Horn Note:these moves are from Gen lll,which is FireRed,LeafGreen,Ruby,Sapphire,and Emerald -Deniel
up to level 35 spiritomb can learn Curse, Pursuit, Confuse Ray, Spite, Shadow Sneak, Faint Attack, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Ominous Wind and Sucker Punch. The last movs that can be learnt by Spiritomb are Nasty Plot at level 37, Memento at level 43 and Dark Pulse at level 49. Hope i helped!
machoke does not learn strength leveling up.
yes! you neesd to level up for moves!
He only learns like five moves. It is better to level up a pikachu.
only at certain levels.
He dosent learn it.for info on Pokemon moves it learns by level up or Tm and Hm.go to
No. In fact, Roserade doesn't learn any moves by level-up. roserade can learn it though from the move tutor
After Eelektrik evolves into it's final form, Eelektross, it cannot learn any moves by level up, and the five moves it can learn by heart scales are: Crush Claw Headbutt Acid Discharge Crunch It cannot learn any level up moves it knew from it's previous evolution. It also seems to be the case for most stone evolved Pokemon. The main option to learn new moves is by TM or HM.
MagikarpActually, Magikarp can learn moves and level up. Magikarp can learn Tackle and Flail. Feebas can also learn Tackle and Splash. Magikarp and Feebas can't learn any more moves until they evolve into Gyarados or Milotic.
The moves that Politoed can learn via level up in Pokémon Platinum include ones such as Bounce, Hyper Voice and Swagger however the only level-up moves that the Move Relearner can re-teach Politoed are Bubblebeam, Doubleslap, Hypnosis and Perish Song.
In Pokémon Emerald, the moves that Gyarados are capable of learning through level up are Thrash which is a start move and then it will learn Bite at Level 20, Dragon Rage at Level 25, Leer at Level 30, Twister at Level 35, Hydro Pump at Level 40, Rain Dance at Level 45, Dragon Dance at Level 50 and Hyper Beam at Level 55.
In Pokémon Yellow, the moves that Nidorino would be able to learn via level-up would be Poison Sting, Focus Energy, Fury Attack and Horn Drill. Nidorino will learn Poison Sting at Level 19, Focus Energy at Level 27, Fury Attack at Level 36 and its last level-up move, Horn Drill will be learned at Level 46.
In Pokémon Yellow, Rattata will learn moves such as Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Hyper Fang, Focus Energy and Super Fang as level-up moves. Wild Rattata will already know Tackle and Tail Whip upon capture, it will learn Quick Attack at Level 7, Hyper Fang at Level 14, Focus Energy at Level 23 and Super Fang is the last level-up move which it learns at Level 34.
It depends. After it evolves it stops learning moves, so you should look up the highest level a vulpix can learn moves before you evolve it.