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Q: What movie has the same plot as Amityville Horror?
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What family is the Amityville Horror about?

The Amityville Horror, both book and movies, are based on the Lutz family and their encounter with paranormal activity. Since the book was released in 1977 there has been 10 different movie productions all with the same plot of a family being killed only 28 days after moving in a new house.

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The Warrens are best known for their involvement in the Amityville Horror case in The Amityville Horror and 1979 and 2005 movies of the same name.

What is the movie Amityville Horror about?

In 1974, Police received a 911 call leading them to the DeFeo house, where Ronald Defeo Jr. killed his entire family. One year later, George and Kathy Lutz move in with their family into the same house, only to stay 28 days.

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Did the Amityville horror house move?

No, the house is not demolished, some people live in it.

What is an 80's horror movie that involves big round monsters that a young boy sticks a penny in to kill?

Invaders from Mars. It was Tobe Hooper's remake of the 50's horror movie of the same name.

How does a war effects?

The same way a Horror movie might (lots of yelling and screaming, and bloody scenes).

Is Friday The 13th A horror or a terror?

the adjectives horror and terror are synonyms, meaning they both mean the same thing, with terror being higher than horror on the fear scale. usually when refering to a movie that evokes terror the correct description would be horror movie not terror movie. there are different kinds of horror movies called subgenres, like splatter horror, slasher horror, torture horror... splatter is often confused with slasher but slasher movies usually depict a psychopathic serial killer hunting and killing teens. a splatter is a movie that focuses heavily on violence blood and gore. torture is self explanatory, like hostel, feardotcom... so Friday the 13th is a splasher horror film.

How does a war effect children?

The same way a horror movie might (lots of yelling and screaming, and bloody scenes).

What is the difference from the book twilight and the movie twilight?

It's the same idea and the same plot, but of course, in the movie they cut out certain parts of the book and some things are different.

Is it weird that I like kids movies and horror movies which are practically opposites?

No, it's not weird. My older sister and I are the same way. For example, my sister's favorite kids movie is the Little Mermaid, and her favorite horror movie is Child's Play. For another example, my favorite kid's movie is Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland. My favorite horror movie are all of Scream movies. So, it's okay. I don't think it's weird at all. I'm the exact same way as you.

What was the plot of the movie of 'The Gamers'?

The plot to the movie 'The Gamers' is set in a dorm room where college students play a massive online role playing game but also flips to the same people in a fantasy universe on a quest.