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it's your chose expect if you want more piplups then it should be a girl once again it's your chose mine is a male lv.100 ^^

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Q: What nature and gender should my piplup be?
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What nature is piplup in explorers of darkness?

a girl piplup would be quirky.

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How can you get piplup as a starter on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

To be Piplup in PMD2, you need to get either an impish nature (male) or a quirky nature (female) as a result when you take the personality test.

What is the best nature for piplup?

it is down south because of water and its colder

How do you get a chimpchar and a piplup in Pokemon pearl?

you can only get one i say you should get piplup

Can you breed Piplup in Platinum?

Yes, Piplup can breed with other Piplup, Prinplup and Empoleon as long it's of the opposite gender. It can also breed with Ditto and with any Pokémon from the Water 1 and Field egg-groups.

Can you get a piplup egg in Pokemon platinum?

You have to have to prinplups in the day care opposite gender that like each other

If you choose Lucas or Dawn or Piplup Chimchar or Turtwig on Pearl will the storyline change at all?

If you pick Turtwig, regardless of your character's gender, your rival will have Chimchar and Rowan's assistant will have Piplup. If you pick Chimchar, your rival will have Piplup and Rowan's assistant will have Turtwig. And etc. No changes are caused in the storyline, no matter what you do.

Is Nature a neuter gender?

trees opposite gender

How do you become a piplup on Pokemon mystery dungeon eplorers of time?

well you need to have a stubborn nature

Is Dawn's Piplup a girl or a boy?

Dawn's Piplup gender is male(boy). It was confirmed the Dawn's Piplup in the episodes -Three Sides To Every StoryWhere No Togepi Has Gone BeforeIn Three Sides To Every Story , Piplup fell in love with a female Marill , also a male Elekid that also liked Marill.In Where No Togepi Has Gone Before , a Togepi used Attract and Pikachu , Meowth , Croagunk , and Piplup all started following Togepi. Pikachu is male , and if Piplup was included then Piplup , Croagunk and Meowth are also male. That also means that Togepi is female.

How do you get a piplup egg in Pokemon pearl?

1.Get it at the beginning of the game. 2.Get someone to trade you a piplup 3.Use an Action Replay/Gameshark and find a trainer with a piplup and catch it using catch trainers Pokemon code.(Not really recommended...But it is a choise..?)