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He found the including of Arizona,New Mexico,Texas,Oklahoma,and Kansas

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He explored Kansas, Arizona, and Mexico.

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Q: What part of land did Francisco Coronado claim?
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What land did Coronado Claim?

Francisco Coronado claimed the southwestern part of U.S. and Florida.

Did Francisco Pizarro claim any land?

He conquered the Incan empire and much land in Panama and Peru.

Where did Francisco Vasquez de Coronado land?

Yes, much of what today is the American Southwest was first surveyed during the Coronado expedition.

Where did Francisco de Coronado travel to?

Francisco De Coronado traveled to the southwestern part of the United States. And on more explorations as well as the one uphead.

When did Francisco Coronado discover the southwestern part of the United States?


Who is Francisco Vasquez DE Coronado brother?

Francisco Vázquez de Coronado did not have a brother. He was a Spanish conquistador who led an expedition to explore the southwestern part of North America in the 16th century.

Who explored the southwestern part of the present - day US looking for gold?

Coronado done the dirty with tour mother lastnight i seen him :o

What part of north America did Francisco Vasquez De Coronado explore?


What part of North America did Francisco Vasquez de Coronado's expedition explore?

SOUTHWESTERN north america

Which of Coronado's experiences led to him becoming an explorer?

The reason why Francisco Vasquez de Coronado led him to explore is because he heard or stories of fortune and treasure found in the Western Part of the United States of America.

During the first part of this trip, Coronado traveled alone the coast of what ocean?

During the first part of his expedition, Francisco Vázquez de Coronado traveled along the coast of the Gulf of California (also known as the Sea of Cortez), which is an extension of the Pacific Ocean.

Which region of the US did Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explore?

fransisco coronado explored New Mexico and parts of th u.s.a