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Q: What position is the earth in during the spring?
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Where is the relative position of a spring tide?

The relative position of a spring tide is when the moon new or full is closest yo the earth.

Describe the position of the earth and sun for the spring and winter solstices?

There is no "spring solstice", there is a spring equinox and a summer solstice.

What is a perigean spring tide?

A perigean spring tide is when the Moon is closest to the Earth during the spring tide.

What is the position of the earth moon and sun during spring tides?

The Earth, Sun, and Moon are aligned in a straight line during spring tides.

Why do we have spring?

Earth orbits the Sun in a tilted-over position. Spring and Fall are the two seasons when Earth's tilt is halfway between forward to the Sun and rearward to the Sun.

What causes the spring season?

The axial tilt of the earth and its position in its orbit around the sun.

Where is the sun earth and moon during the spring tide?

In space.

What constellation is the highest in the sky during the spring?

The answer depends on what part of the earth you are on.

Did Persephone say with her mother during the seasone of spring?

Persephone returned to the surface of the Earth at spring, and returned to the Underworld during autumn, so yes - she did.

Why are days as long as night during autumn and spring?

because the earth is tilted in the automns and spring it is farrer the sun

Why is the water part of the earth higher during spring tide?

yes because the water is part of the earth

Does the earth's rotation speed up during tides?

no it just has to do with the position of the earth and moon