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Mexico is the right answer☻☺ ☺☻☺☻☺

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They lived in Guatemala.

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Q: What present day countries did the mayans live in?
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What are the present day countries in the area where the mayans culture florished?

gutamala mexico

What is the present day country or countries of Mayan?

The Mayans controlled an area that is approximately Guatemala and the Mexican states of Compeche and CHiapas.

In which present-day countries did the ancient maya live?

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Did the Mayans live in New Mexico or Mexico?

They lived in present-day Mexico (the country, not the state), Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and Honduras.

Where do present-day Mayans live?

mostly in the mundo Maya quintana roo, yucatan, campeche, chiapas, tabasco Guatemala el salvador and Belize

What present day areas did the Mayans and Aztecs form great civilizations?

End of the world

In what present day countries was the Mayan civilization?

The Mayans pre-dated the Aztecs and inhabited southern Mexico and parts of Central America. Today Mayan artifacts are found in Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and parts of Guatemala and El Salvador.

In which present-day countries did the Inca live?

The Inca civilization primarily lived in present-day Peru, with their capital located in the city of Cusco. Their empire also extended into parts of Ecuador, Bolivia, and Chile.

What are the contrasts of Aztecs Mayans and Incas?

Aztecs and Mayans developed their respective civilizations on central and southern Mexico, in an area known as Mesoamerica. Inca people were located on present-day Peru, in South America.

What region did the chetokee Indians live in?

They live in present-day day California

In how many present day countries was the Inca empire located?

There are four countries

What was the location of the myan empire?

They were located on a flat region in present day guatamala