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Q: What route did Henry Hudson take for directional?
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How many ships did Henry Hudson take?

It can carry 20 people

How long did Henry Hudson take from London to Hudson bay?

it took Henry Hudson 8 months to get from London to Hudson bay it was a long and hard journey

Where did Henry Hudson take off from?


What route did Henry Hudson take?

Henry Hudson traveled across the Atlantic Ocean. He passed through the southern tip of Greenland into a narrow water way that is today known as the Hudson Strait. This journey took Henry and his crew to an area of water that is know named Hudson Bay. They traveled south into James Bay.

What did Henry Hudson take with him on the expedition?

He took his son with him.

How many caravel did Henry Hudson take on the voyage?


How many years did Henry Hudson's voyage take?

7 years

How long did Henry Hudson's trip take?

he did it for 3 years straight

What did Henry Hudson take on his expiditions?

water, scope, food, map........

Why did Henry Hudson take all these voyages?

his company told him to go on them.

How long did it take Henry Hudson to sail to the Hudson river and back with his ship the Half Moon?

It took him almost from 1609 to 1628 was about the time.

Did Hudson's expedition take place before or after Desoto's?

yes he did