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Oskar Schindler (born 28 April 1908 in Zwittau, Moravia (now Svitavy, Czech Republic); died 9 October 1974 in Hildesheim, Germany) attended the primary (junior) and middle school (junior high) in Zwittau before attending the engineering college (Fachschule für Maschinenbau) in Brünn (Brno).

As a result of his efforts to save the lives of 1,200 Jewish workers he was proclaimed righteous under the nations

Schindlers original list was found in a suitcase in the attic of his last lover, Ami Spaeth, in 1999 and included a detailed list of the bribes he paid to the SS. Schindler spent over 1 million Euros ($1,441,030; £874,554) in today's terms in bribes just buying food for his workers.

Schindler's original list can be viewed by clicking on the related link below.

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Where can you get information on Oskar Schindler?

Google it or go to Wikipedia

What was Oskar Schindler's childhood like?

it was depresing af . there you go

What did Schindler go to jail for?

Some confusion here. Oskar Schindler died a natural death in 1974.

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Why did oskar schindler go bankrupt?

because he bought shells instead of his company manufacturing them so he didn't make any money just lost it paying for shells. Hope this helps.

How did Oskar Schindler stop the Jews from being killed?

Obviously he could not protect them once they left his factory to go to the camps to sleep, but he did his best to protect them whilst they were under his care (working in his factory).

How are Antigone and Oskar Schindler related?

Antigone and Oskar Schindler are two people who both go against the law to do what they know is right inside. Antigone knows that she must honor the dead, so despite the law that says no one was allowed to bury polynices (or ecophycles I forget which) she does. In Oskar's case, the Nazi government says that Jews are less than human, and need to be exterminated. Oskar saved over 1000 Jews in his factory. The so called "crimes" of both characters were punishishable by death, but both kept on, because death would be preferable to living with the guilt of doing nothing. So Oskar and Antigone are both people who follow the unwritten laws we know inside to be right, not the laws of tyrants. That is how they're alike.

What nicknames did Myron Schindler go by?

Myron Schindler went by Grover, and Bud.

How did Oskar Schindler become rich by taking advantage of Jewish citizens of krakow?

Schindler got the money to start his company via several donations from close acquaintances and family friends first, and then through countless investments in his idea and through bank accounts.

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