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a Horror movie

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Q: What shall you call your horror movie?
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Related questions

What do you call a horror movie lover?

I call myself a 'Horror Nerd' lol. So, I suppose it just depends on what the particular horror fan wants to be called.

Is Call Me by Your Name a horror movie?

No it is a coming of age love story.

What is the horror movie that talks about a hospital about to be closed that holds a girls spirit?

One Missed Call

Name the heroine in the movie 'the horror movie'?

I don't know any movie with name 'the horror movie'. Antonia Beamish is the actress in 'the last horror movie'.

What is in a horror movie?

Horror. lots of it.

Was Reba McEntire in a horror movie?

Yes she was, that horror movie is called Tremors.

When was The Last Horror Movie created?

The Last Horror Movie was created in 2003.

What is the duration of The Last Horror Movie?

The duration of The Last Horror Movie is 1.33 hours.

What Movie had the phrase The horror the horror?

Apocalypse Now

What is horror drama?

a drama or movie that is based on horror.

Who is the murderer character in the Geico horror movie commercial?

The character is a random horror character. It isn't a specific horror movie villain.

When was Horror Movie - Skyhooks song - created?

Horror Movie - Skyhooks song - was created in 1974.