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Q: What shape beaks do Robins have?
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Why do robins have white beaks?

Actually, they have yellowish beaks.

Why do robins smack their beaks?

coz they is awesome!

Do robins have a yellow chest?

I believe a raven's beak is black, not yellow. It is closely related to a common crow.

Which kind of birds live near are house?

Starlings(common black bird with yellow colored beaks), Or Robins.

What is the shape of a robins tail?

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What is the relationship between the galapagos finches beak shape and their environment?

the beaks adapted to what they ate. all the different beaks have different jobs

What is an example of an adaptation of one of the galapagos finches?

Size and shape of their beaks.

How sharp robin beak is?

The beaks and claws of robins are sharp enough for them to perform what they need to do to survive. For instance, they are able to use their claws to climb trees and grasp prey and their beaks are sharp enough to pierce insects and crack seeds.

What is a robins description?

With a bright orange-red breast, brown back and dumpy shape, robins are familiar garden birds.

What does an owl like to eat?

it mostly eats meat because of the beaks shape

Darwin observed that the small brown birds on the Galapagos Islands differed in the shape of their?


Are all bird beaks the same size and shape?

All sizes and shape of birds are not the same,sometimes there are small and sometimes there are big....