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Bon appétit!

Whatever you do, DON'T pronounce the T at the end!

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Q: What should you say before eating a meal in France?
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How long after injecting insulin should you eat?

30 minutes before eating your meal.

What is propandial?

I know that: Prepandial = Before eating a meal Postpandial = After eating a meal I am not sure what propandial is.

What do french people say before eating a meal?

"bon appetit" is usually said before eating.

How long should I wait before I can workout after eating my breakfast or lunch?

There aren't any specifics on whether or not working out after eating is good or bad. However there is always a chance of getting cramps if you have a big meal before.

Can you eat a meal before or after working out?

You should eat a Meal before you start your workout and after

Is eating an apple a half hour before eating a meal a good diet?

The "when" of eating fruits aren't as important as just getting them in your diet. Focus more in incorporating the fruit in your diet than the time of day or how long before or after a meal.

Will eating walnuts or almonds thirty minutes before a meal trigger something in the brain that makes a person feel fuller?

Eating anything 30 minutes before a meal will help the stomach feel full.

When should you let a dog out after eating?

He should be let out about half an hour after each meal.

Is sushi an entree or an appetizer?

It can be used as both. personal choice... if youre eating it before your meal its an app. if it is your meal then tis an entree

Why you feel pain in body and bones after eating meal and feel more tiered and weak?

That isn't normal, after eating a meal you should have a feeling of content, not pain and weakness, although it isn't uncommon to feel sleepy after a nice big meal, you should see your GP about this.

Is it dangerous to eat before swimming?

Within moderation, not at all. Eating a HUGE, spicy meal that upsets your stomach could potentially be problematic, but a normal meal is just fine. The stories of cramps from eating before swimming are wives' tales.

What do Jews say before eating the fruit of the vine?

Before eating or drinking anything (not just before a full meal), we say a blessing. There are six different blessings depending on the type of food.