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Q: What side of dally does Ponyboy see that he never saw before?
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Why was it suprising for cherry to like dally?

Cherry explains to Ponyboy that there was a side of Bob that not everybody saw that made you want to follow him. Ponyboy knew that she saw this in Dally, and that was why she was afraid to see him and love him.

What additional problem did the brothers face after ponyboy's return?

the court hearing, the rumble, the loss of both Johnny and Dally and their personal fight with each other (the one where darry and ponyboy try to get soda to take their side).

Why did dally stare at johnny in disbelief?

Dally stared at Johnny in disbelief because Johnny showed bravery and selflessness in saving children from a burning church despite his usual quiet and timid demeanor. Dally was surprised by Johnny's actions, as he had never seen that side of him before.

Who were the main characters on the outsiders on griecer side?

Ponyboy and Johnny are the main, main characters but there is also Dally, Darry, Soda, Steve, and Two-Bit.

What message does Johnny send Ponyboy?

He tells Ponyboy to stay gold. It means that no matter what you go through you have to be on the good side. You could fall hundreds of times and yet you know that some one is there catching you. But sometimes that always doesn't happen you can rot. That's just the way life is. and live it how you always lived it the same.

What is the names of all the greasers in the book the outsiders?

The Greaser's names are: Ponyboy Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Darrel (Darry) Curtis, Dallas (Dally) Winston, Johnny Cade, Keith (Two-Bit) Mathews, and Steve Randall. By the way I love this book and the movie. RIP Johnny and Dally! Johnny will always be gold! it is some boys who are poor and live in the east side and they have long and greasy hair

What other side of dally is revealed?

Dally shows his kind and thoughtful side in chapter 6

The Outsiders - ponyboy opinion of dally?

Ponyboy's opinion of Dally is that he is a cold, hard, mean guy who does not love a thing in the world. Pony doesn't like to be around Dally and he tries to keep his distance from him and tries not to get on his bad side. Later in the book, Pony realizes that the only thing Dally loved was Johnny and Dally has been mean and cold his whole life to keep from getting hurt but in the end, it doesn't help him at all because Dally dies.

Why does johnny like to fight in the outsider?

Johnny is an outsider because he lives on the east side of town and is poor. He has an alcoholic and abusive mother and father. His best friend is Ponyboy Curtis and got in a fight with one of the Socs.

What happen first in The Outsiders?

The Outsiders is about a boy named Ponyboy Curtis and his gang. They are the greasers and they live on the east side of town on the "wrong side of the tracks." The Socs are the rich kids that live on the other side and they hate each other. The greasers are the poor kids with long greasy hair. When one of the greasers dies they get in a fight and it gets rough. At the end of the movie a greaser named Dally dies as well and Ponyboy has to cope with the loss. This is one of my favorite movies of all time.

What is ponyboys address in the outsiders?

Well the story doesn't really mention where his address is, but they did mention he lived on the east side. And Dally was from New York so I'm guessing the live in a smaller town around that area. And also keep in mind about how Ponyboy wants to go to the country, so where there living must be a smaller city.

What are the differences between The Outsiders book and movie?

A few similarities between the movie and book are that the movie still has the complete Greaser gang (Ponyboy, Johnny, Sodapop, Darry, Dally, Two-Bit, and Steve) and also Johnny and Dally still die in the movie but the movie begins with Johnny and Pony following Dally around town.when johnny kills bob and the rumble Now a few differences are that they dont have the court scene, Darry doesn't slap Pony he pushes him down; Pony isn't sick after Johnny and Dally die; the movie doesn't mention Mickey Mouse, (Soda's horse); Sodapop and Dally aren't blonds like they are in the book, instead they are brunettes; the church that Ponyboy and Johnny run away to isn't on a hill; when the church catches on fire pony and johnny doesn't save the kids in a hall way; randy doesn't visit Ponyboy after the rumble the book is a lot better than the movie because there is no detail left out and in the movie there's a lot . I have like 37 differences 1 is that the movie never mentions sodapops girl friend. They don't do acrobatic stuff off the porch. Ponyboy didn't fall asleep on Johnny's lap while riding the train. In the book Soda gives Ponyboy money (a check) Well in the book he didn't. Johnny never made a joke about Jerry about how fat he was. They mention that Marcia was from the south side instead of west side. At the beggining of the movie they never chased after those kids and picked on them in the book. Also the book was written in ponyboy's perspective and the movie was not the movie was written in everyone's perspective.