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In general, refracting telescopes are smaller than reflecting telescopes; a refractor has the light going straight through the tube, and structural considerations force limits on its size. In a reflecting telescope, the light path is folded back on itself, and reflecting mirrors reflect more light than thick lenses can pass through. But the largest current reflecting telescope is perhaps 300 inches in diameter, although larger ones are planned.

By contrast, the Very Large Array of radio telescopes is ACRES in total size, and there is no theoretical limit in how large "it" could be - because "it" is actually "they". Dozens, potentially hundreds of radio telescopes can add their size together to develop a more sensitive and more precise instrument.

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Q: What telescopes is the largest reflecting refracting x-ray or the very large array?
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What will be the algorithm to input n integers and output the largest one?

var largest : integer largest = array[0] for n : integer in array if n > largest largest = n endif endfor return largest

Why do astronomers continue to build even larger telescopes?

Radio telescopes allow us to see things that can't be seen in visible light. And vice versa, optical telescopes can show things that are not visible in radio telescopes. So, the information from both kinds of telescopes really complements each other.

How does structure differ from an array?

structure is a collection of dissimilar datatypes whereas array is collection of similar datatypes.....

Why do radio telescopes work better down in the valleys?

Radio telescopes tucked into valleys can "hide" in there from interference that may be radiated into the side of the antenna array from earth sources. Better shielding equals less noise (interference) and greater resolution of a desired signal. Remember that radio telescopes are highly directional, and they don't "see" signals to the sides well. Now consider the "closeness" of a source on earth compared to any space object that is an image objective. There is no comparison. Any source of interference on earth will be a zillion times "closer" and the signal will be a zillion times "larger" than a space objective, even though the noise is "coming in from the side" to hit the dish. Bad news for the radio astronomer. Hide the dish, slash interference radiated into the sides of your dish and get good (better) results. Piece of cake.

Why did Gemini astronauts have a mirror on their suit?

The Laser Ranging Retroeflector (LRRR) is an optical corner reflector used to measure lunar librations (both in latitude and longitude), the recession of the moon from the Earth due to tidal dissipation, and the irregular motion of the Earth, including the Chandler wobble of the poles. This is accomplished by using the technique of short-pulse laser ranging. NASA astronauts placed 3 LRRR's on the lunar surface. The LRRR of Apollo 14 differed in only main design aspects from that on Apollo 11. The LRRR on Apollo 15 was the largest, with 300 separate sub-reflectors - The previous two had only 100. The Apollo 15 array consisted of a hinged, two panel assembly (204 and 94 reflectors) mounted on a leg assembly, which was deployed by the astronaut. The larger array was to allow smaller telescopes on Earth to receive signals from it, but a report on July 31, 1971 showed that the larger array was comparable, but not superior, to the smaller arrays.

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A refracting telescope is a type of telescope that has a large thin lense at the front and a smaller thicker lense at the end where the eyepiece is. Refracting telescopes use lenses unlike reflecting telescopes that use mirrors to reflect the light. This is a good image of a refracting and reflecting telescope: [See related link]

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How is the VLA similar to an optical telescope?

well,both telescopes let you look into the ground into the inner core and you see deep in he atmosphere which is space. Errr... The Very Large Array is an array of radio-telescopes, i.e. it detects radio emissions from stars and similar. An optical telescope as its name suggests, collects visible light. The similarity is that increasing the aperture increases the radiation-gathering power by a square-law. In an optical telescope this is achieved by a larger mirror (or lens but most large telescopes are reflecting.) The VLA uses a "synthetic aperture" to gain the advantages of increasing its gathering area without the cost and complexity of building a single, very large dish.

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What is The Very Large Array?

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