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The Extreme Contraction Theory of Astrophysics.

The answer is "The Big Bang Theory".

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Q: What theory states that the universe began when all of its contents suddenly expand outward?
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What will the universe do if a cosmological constant is positive?

It will expand more rapidly.

The gravity of a black hole is so strong that nothing not even light can escape it-How then did all matter in the universe escape the singularity of the big bang-an infinitesmal point?

The matter didn't have much choice -- the space that is our Universe began to expand, driven by something greater than gravity, and took the matter within it along for the "ride." At present, scientists do not know why space began to expand, any more than they understand why there is lightning in the sky. They are working on both questions.

Why do astronomers theorize that there is dark energy in the universe?

There are several pieces of evidence for dark matter. For example: * Our galaxy, and many other galaxies, rotate way too fast for the amount of known matter. * Evidence from gravitational lensing.

What is the explosion that created the universe called?

If you are referring to the Big Bang, I am afraid that there is not really an answer for you. Cosmology (the study of the universe and its origin) is such a recently developed science that there is yet not way to explain why the Big Bang occurred in any terms more than conjecture. It is thought to have been caused either by a collision or rubbing together of other universes, or a presence of enough room in the 'multiverse' for another universe to form. If you really want to pursue an answer to this question, the best answer I can give you is this: become a cosmologist.

Does Every Galaxy Merge Eventually?

The answer to this is we do not know but it looks unlikely.The expansion of the universe appears to be speeding up. Local Galaxies might merge into larger galaxies but these galaxies will expand faster and faster away from each other.

Related questions

What do you call the universe that will continue to expand and galaxies will to move outward and rush away from each other?

It's just called the expanding universe.

Do the universe expand?

Yes, the universe expand.

Is the universe everything?

the universe can not be everything because there has to be space for it to expand into

What happened to universe right after big bang?

It began to expand in size. There is a hole at that point in our knowledge of the early universe but without a doubt the universe began to expand.

Why do galaxies expand?

They don't expand. There just leftover from the explosion of the universe.

What will become of the universe?

It will continue to expand

Does a coasting universe expand forever?

Yes, a coasting universe will always expand. For more informaton read Edwin Hubble's Law.

What developement in the 1900s allowed cities to expand outward?

New railroad lines!

What allowed cities to expand outward in the late 1900s?

New railroad lines!

Does the glass tube in a fire sprinkler expand more or less than the liquid inside the tube?

The contents of the glass envelope expand and break the envelope. That allows the valve to open and release the water. The contents expand more than the tube.

How big does the universe expand?

it keeps on expanding

Are the contents of an aerosol can less at high altitude?

No, at a higher altitude there is less atmospheric pressure pushing on the contents of the can and the contents inside the can will expand and you would have more.