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Well, there are different answers depending on what you are asking them for. If you are asking them if you can have a friend over for instance, I have found that talking on the phone with the person you want to have over, and then asking your parents while on the phone works pretty well. If you want your parents to get you something or take you some where though, I would just prove to them that you deserve it by listening to what they say, don't be rude, and stuff like that. You can't just beg and beg (I know this from experience!).

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Q: What to do if your parents won't make their mind?
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Omg! Sweetie my parents were like that too. Get the guy to go to public affairs that you and your parents will attend and introduce them. Make sure he is sweet and charming with your mother and shakes your fathers hand.

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Depends on what you believe yourself and how old you are but personally i would check with your parents and they probably wont mind whearas if you go ahead without asking them thay may be annoyed but you can always delete it if they dont want you to have on e